
How can I Increase My Sex Power – Building Sexual Confidence

how can I increase my sex power

In a world where self-esteem is a key to almost everything, it is not a wonder that sexual self-esteem is a major factor as well. If you have ever asked yourself, “How do I increase my bedroom power?” you are not the only one. Self-esteem is also an important factor in determining how happy the couple will be in their sexual lives. In modern society dignity matters a lot in almost every aspect of our existence, it is quite obvious that sexual confidence is also important. This article will contain practical steps which when followed will assist you in boosting your sex power and confidence. So, let’s take the first step and move towards improving the quality of sex life that we have or seeking the one that we want. 

The Most Important Aspects Of A Sexual Relationship. 

Sexual assertiveness is not just about knowing where to touch or what to do next; it’s the security of one’s body and lust. Speaking and comprehending also get impaired, and one can easily find it hard to explain to the partner what s/he wants or desires when it comes to intimacy. 
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Understanding the Barriers 

Before we delve into the ways to enhance your sexual confidence, let’s identify common barriers that might be holding you back: Before we delve into the ways to enhance your sexual confidence, let’s identify common barriers that might be holding you back:

Body Image Concerns 

Self-esteem in concern to body images is another common concern that most people face, which causes them to feel uncomfortable during intimate periods. 

Past Trauma 

Past events either traumatic or negative might have a detrimental effect on one’s self-esteem in matters concerning sexuality or intimacy. 

Lack of Knowledge 

Lack of familiarity with the body and sexual orientation causes a lot of insecurity and anxiety. 

Overcoming Body Image Concerns 

Embrace Self-Love 

We must first accept the way our bodies look at the moment and build up from that point. Treat your body kindly and just like any other human being you need to remind yourself that you have a fantastic body. 


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Explore Your Sensuality 

Get involved in exercises that welcome your feelings from your body and senses like yogas or meditations. 

Healing from Past Trauma 

Seek Professional Help 

If a past trauma is affecting the self-esteem in bed, it is advised one seek the professional help of a therapist or a counselor. 

Educational Resources 

It is important to sometimes read a book or watch a video that can teach healthy information on sexual matters. 


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Building Sexual Confidence 

Experiment and Communicate 

Do not hesitate to try out some new stuff or to put across your feelings and wishes to your partner. 

Practice Mindfulness 

Avoiding nervousness and stress contributes to an increase in confidence during intimacy if one learns to live in the present. 

Final Words

Sexual confidence, therefore, is a lifelong process of personal development of a person that entails value acceptance, communication, and education. Get rid of these barriers, love your partner and yourself, and practice healthy communication and you will see that your sex power will improve, and your love life will become a lot better. 


1. Does one need sexual confidence to enjoy his or her sex life? 

Indeed sexual confidence is one of the most important aspects of a healthy sex life. It makes possible richness of communication, closeness, and general well-being.

2. Is it possible to forget about past traumatic experiences to have self-confidence while having sex? 

People should be encouraged to seek help in overcoming past abuse and it is possible to help them regain their sexual self-esteem gradually. 

3. Is there some kind of exercise that one has to do to gain back his/her sexual confidence? 

It is suggested that people perform mindfulness activities and self-discovery techniques to enhance their sexual assurance in the long run. 

4. What should I do if I have to talk to my partner about our sexual preference? 

Find a place where you both feel relaxed and where there is no chance of interruption, emerge your emotions freely, and also do the same with your partner and ask him or her to share his or her fantasies. 

5. Is there any book or site you suggest to increase sexual self-esteem? 

There are several excellent books and some websites that provide useful information related to the concept of sexual confidence. There are quite a number of them and some of the common ones include the likes of “The Art of Sexual Confidence” and “The Intimacy Factor”.


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