How to Increase Memory Power by Yoga – Improve Concentration

It is a fact that one can enhance memory power with the help of yoga. One can improve the circulation of blood within the brain by performing yoga poses regularly. It will help your mind to become focused and sharp. Besides empowering your mind, yoga poses will also improve your physical fitness as well. You will be able to remember things easily which will help you significantly to perform your daily activities. That being said, here we have mentioned how to increase memory power by yoga.
How to increase memory power by yoga
Yoga poses
1. Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)
This particular yoga pose is considered to be highly effective in improving your memory power. In this case, you need to focus your mind by putting your weight on one leg. It will aid in enhancing your concentration while making your legs and core to become stronger. Tree Pose will be responsible for enhancing blood circulation within the brain which will help to increase your memory retention capacity.
2. Camel Pose (Ustrasana)
This yoga pose can improve blood circulation in the brain. Moreover, it will aid in enhancing mental clarity and concentration. You can also get rid of anxiety and stress by performing this pose. You need to pose like a camel which will help to enhance your mind and body in the best possible way.
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3. Lotus Pose (Padmasana)
This pose will help to calm your mind and body effectively. It’ll clarify your mind while helping you to eradicate anxiety and stress as well. While performing the Lotus Pose it’ll be imperative to emphasize inhaling which will help to improve your mental power. Make sure to perform this pose regularly to increase blood circulation inside your brain.
4. Bridge Pose (SetuBandhasana)
This yoga pose is yet another interesting way to improve your memory power. In this case, you need to open up your chest and stretch your back to improve blood circulation inside the brain. The Bridge Pose will help to strengthen your back, legs, and shapes while helping you to focus in the best possible way. Make it a point to practice this yoga pose regularly to alleviate anxiety and stress. It is a powerful yet gentle way to get the job done.
5. Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana)
There is no doubt that Shoulder Stand is one of the most powerful yoga poses that will help to improve your mental power. In this case, you need to bring your leg above your head after inverting your body. Similar to the other poses, this one will also play an important part in improving blood circulation. It will help to decrease pressure on your mind so that you can focus easily. Make it a point to include this pose in your everyday regimen to improve your memory power.
Breathing Techniques
1. Deep Breathing (Diaphragmatic Breathing)
It is one of the most interesting ways to improve memory power. You can increase the supply of oxygen inside your brain by using your diaphragm gently while inhaling and exhaling deeply. It will help to make your mind clear and allow you to focus as well. Moreover, you will get rid of mental anxiety and stress while remembering things in a better way.
2. Alternate Nostril Breathing (NadiShodhana)
While performing this breathing technique, you need to close one of your nostrils and breathe through the other. Following this, you need to alternate this method with the other nostril. It will help to maintain the balance between both sides of your brain while calming your mind as well. This kind of breathing technique will allow you to eradicate all types of stress and mental anxiety. Furthermore, you can focus on things easily while remembering things successfully.
3. Ujjayi Breath (Ocean Breath)
This breathing technique will help to enhance your memory successfully. While bathing through your nose deeply, you will need to make a calming sound just like the ocean waves by gently contracting your throat. It will aid in reducing mental stress while helping you to focus as well.
It is possible to make your mind calm and enhance your concentration with the help of performing yoga poses regularly. If you are thinking of how to increase memory power by yoga, then we hope that this article will be useful to you. However, there are several other ways to improve memory power which we have not mentioned in this article.