The commonly asked query is How to Take Care of Skin in Winter Naturally? This question comes into mind when the snow has arrived on the horizon and winter is on the go with all its severe impacts on the skin. Cold dry air within the room roasts and dulls the face skin making it feel dry. However several tips and tricks are natural and easy that can be followed to prevent these symptoms of winter skin. That is why in this article I am going to share with you the right approaches on how to protect your skin during winter. It means, no more tight and dry skin, rather, get ready to have soft and glowing skin.
To have the proper knowledge to implement winter skincare tips let us first know the effects of the cold season on our skin. Winter weather also involves very low humidity and cold winds that help to remove the natural moisture of the skin thus resulting in dryness, itching, and redness.
Maintaining Skin Health Year-Round
Skin care regimen is not seasonal; it is a continuous or lifelong process. The best thing about a skincare routine is that how it is done does not change no matter the season; however, there might be changes during the winter season.
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Important Tips for Your Skin
Hydration is Key
As any dermatologist will tell you, good old H2O is the beginning and end of dermatological health. In winter, wear a lotion with a denser emollient that is going to keep your skin glossy. If possible, you should use a moisturizer containing natural lubricants like shea butter or coconut oil.
Gentle Cleansing
Do not go for very abrasive soaps, which would make the skin even drier in the process of washing. However, it is better to use an unscented soap that is mild and will not dry out the skin and hence the hair.
It is also important in winter that it is done with less frequency as compared to the other seasons. Try to exfoliate your skin at least once a week to ease the dead skin cells so your skin can be ready for the moisturizer.
Protect Your Skin
Winter has its own set of problems and UV rays of the sun do not take a seasonal break, hence apply sunscreen if you will be out in the sun.
Cover Up
Protective clothing in the form of scarves, gloves, and hats are essential after they protect your skin from extremely cold and blowing winds.
Humidify Your Space
If you have dryer air indoors, you can use a humidifier and it will help to maintain or prevent the skin from drying up.
Stay Hydrated
The skin must ensure that it drinks adequate water. Drinking water begins within the body therefore make sure you take at least eight glasses of water per day.
Natural Remedies for the winter skincare
This mask has honey, and Aloe Vera gel, and you may also add eggs to the mixture if you wish a skin-soothing mask that is prepared with honey and aloe vera can help to keep skin hydrated due to dry skin problems.
Oatmeal and Yogurt Scrub
A combination of oatmeal and yogurt works nicely on the skin since it is more of a scrub in a way expelling the skin debris for a smoother skin surface.
Olive Oil Massage
Another message that is comforting is an olive oil massage which can also help to moisturize the skin making it glow.
Caring for your skin during winter does not have to be a herculean task as is usually made to be. The skin also does not have to look dull in winter, this is achieved with the help of effective techniques and natural products. It is therefore clear that somehow when effectively hydrating your skin, when using the correct skin products, and when protecting your skin from the various facets of winter you can be considered to have achieved the right winter skincare.
Is it permissible for one to apply the summer skincare routine during the winter and vice versa?
Most products can be used all year long but it’s best to pick up products that provide moisture to the skin during the November – February period.
What measures can be taken to avoid having your lips crack during winter?
Licking the lips should be discouraged as this will worsen the condition, especially for those suffering from chapped lips, a lip balm should therefore be applied.
Are there any types of foods that I can take that can enhance the skin during the winter period?
Yes, that is true you can take foods which has antioxidants like berries, nuts, green tea, etc, to help your skin.
Is it necessary to use toner during the winter season while doing my skincare?
Yes, but it is highly recommended that you now use a toner that does not dry the skin, especially in the cold weather.
What ought to be done to alleviate dry skin on the body during winter?
You should moisturise your skin with a good body cream and you can also avoid taking a shower with hot water which also removes your skin oils.