
What is The Role of Acid in Our Stomach – Balancing Act

what is the role of acid in our stomach

The Basics of Stomach Acid 

The Digestive Powerhouse 

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Maintaining the Balance 

Acid Overproduction 

Acid Underproduction 

Impaired Digestion: Lack of acid makes the digestion process slow and this may cause indigestion, and swelling and usually results in inadequate assimilation of nutrients.



what is the role of acid in our stomach,stomach acid


Factors Influencing Acid Levels 

Several factors can impact the production of stomach acid:


  1. Spicy and Fatty Foods: These cause the secretion of an excess amount of acid in the stomach.
  2. Alcohol and Caffeine: Excesses must be avoided in order not to cause an increased level of acidity.


Fight or Flight Response: Stress hormones can decrease the secretion of gastric juices which is important in digestion.


Antacids: T

Maintaining Stomach Acid Balance

To ensure a healthy balance of stomach acid, consider the following:

Dietary Modifications 

  1. Balanced Diet: Eat a diet high in lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables.
  2. Limit Trigger Foods: Reduce intake of spicy and fatty foods.


what is the role of acid in our stomach,can alcohol cause constipation


Stress Management 

Stress Reduction Techniques: Try to reduce stress so that it does not affect acid production altogether or use relaxation techniques to calm down stress that has already begun.


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