Can We Drink Green Tea Empty Stomach – 10 Pros and Cons

Drink Besides, following a proper morning regimen contributes to a healthy day. Morning routine and green tea intake on an empty stomach are among the favorite practices among many fitness freaks. This beverage is widely known to be loaded with antioxidants; increased metabolic rate and other health-enhancing attributes. However, is it really healthy to take green tea at the break of the new day?
In this article, you will come to know the benefits as well as the drawbacks of drinking green tea on an empty stomach to know whether is good for your physical or not.
What is Green Tea?
Origin of Green Tea Green tea is derived from Camellia sinensis and it has been in existence for the last 4,000 years originating from China. Today it is consumed across the globe for its rich and natural taste as well as its healing power.
Types of Green Tea
It is namely for this reason that there exist several subtypes of green tea, including matcha, sencha, and gyokuro, every one of them has its own taste and a certain amount of nutrients. These differences are a result of the processing method used for the products and the conditions under which the plants are grown.
Benefits of Green Tea on Empty Stomach
Drawbacks of Green Tea When Taken in The Morning on Empty Stomach