
How to Get Relief from Ankle Pain – Top 7 Quick Home Remedies

How to get relief from ankle pain

It is quite agonizing and frustrating when your body isn’t performing to its full potential and is hurting as well. It is particularly true when you have suffered an injury to the ankle. Your day-to-day activities can be hampered to a large extent if you are not able to walk properly because of pain.

Moreover, an injury to the ankle can cause serious trouble if you are a sportsman. Fortunately, it is possible to deal with ankle pain effectively irrespective of whether you are experiencing pain for the first time or suffering from persistent pain. In this post, we have talked about how to get relief from ankle pain at home.

Causes of ankle pain

It is possible to suffer from ankle pain and injury because of various factors. Some of the most common causes are as follows:

  • Broken or fractured ankle – You can suffer from this condition when a heavy object falls on your foot or when you end up tripping and falling. Otherwise, it can also happen when you experience lots of pressure on the ankle joints. Other causes of broken ankles can be vehicle mishaps.
  • Sprained ankle – Over 80% of all ankle pains happen because of sprained ankles. It can happen when you fall awkwardly or when your ankle is twisted. This can damage the ligaments of your ankle, thus causing you pain.
  • Achilles tendon rupture – You will find it difficult to stand or walk properly because of this injury. It can happen when your Achilles tendons become overstretched causing them to rupture or tear. Although many athletes suffer from this condition, it can happen to anybody.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis – Being a typical persistent autoimmune and inflammatory ailment, it can also result in lots of pain in the ankles.
  • Gout – We can suffer from gout when the uric acid levels increase within our systems and it can lead to extreme discomfort in the joints.

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Ankle injury symptoms

  • Intense pain
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Discomfort
  • Difficulty in movement
  • Bruising
  • Inflammation
  • Fever


How to get relief from ankle pain, Ankle Pain Treatment


How to get relief from ankle pain – Quick home remedies

Hot and cold compress

It might be the fact that bone ailments such as osteoporosis and arthritis are responsible for causing your ankle pain. In that case, you need to apply cold and hot compresses alternatively to minimize the stiffness that is causing you pain. A hot compress has to be applied for around 20 minutes and it should be followed by a cold compress for 20 minutes.

Application of ice

In case you are suffering from ankle pain because of strenuous physical activity, it will be a good idea to apply a cold compress. Make sure to apply ice packs on the afflicted ankle for about 20 minutes at a time.

Take rest

You might experience additional pressure on the ankle because of walking and standing since the ankle needs to bear the weight of your body. Therefore, it will be advisable for you to take adequate rest which should help you to recover fast. Try to elevate your foot. You will get immediate results by keeping your ankle above your heart level. It will help to minimize inflammation too.

Shed pounds

Make it a point to reduce your weight in case you are obese or overweight. Although this process is time-consuming, it will aid in the reduction of pain especially if you are suffering from arthritis.


How to get relief from ankle pain, Lateral Ankle Pain


Use support

If you are suffering from a weakened ankle you need to get support while moving around. Make sure to wrap the affected ankle with a compression bandage. Reduce your weight on the afflicted foot by taking the help of a crutch or cane.

Use warm coconut oil to massage

Take a tablespoon of coconut oil and add a crushed garlic clove to it. Make it a bit warm. This oil has to be massaged on the ankle to get immediate relief from pain.


Swimming will help in proper blood circulation within your system by providing you with a good workout. It will be possible to regain some joint mobility and muscle flexibility, especially after taking some rest.


It is feasible to treat the majority of the ankle injuries at home. Nevertheless, it will be sensible to visit an ankle specialist in case you are suffering from unbearable pain. Let us hope that this post on how to get relief from ankle pain will provide you with adequate information.

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