Why Heart Attacks are Increasing in India – Causes, Risks, and Prevention

In case you are thinking why heart attacks are increasing in India, then this article will be appropriate for you. At present, lots of Indians are suffering from heart attacks. There are many reasons for this. For example, people might not perform workouts and might consume unhealthy foods as well. However, make sure to look after your heart since it is one of the most significant organs of the human body. Here, we have discussed in detail the causes, risks, and prevention of heart attacks in India.
Causes of heart attack in India
Unhealthy diet
One of the main reasons for suffering from cardiac ailments is eating unhealthy food items. For instance, one might consume plenty of junk food items every day. These foods can damage our hearts significantly. This is because they consist of unhealthy fats, as well as sugar.
Lack of Exercise
Workouts help our bodies to make movements. However, if we do not perform exercises, it is not feasible for our bodies to move adequately. Workouts are imperative for our hearts to function properly. Lack of exercise can damage our hearts to a large extent.
Another essential factor resulting in heart attacks happens to be smoking cigarettes. It is possible for harmful chemical substances from smoking to damage our hearts over time. It’ll be advisable to refrain from smoking cigarettes if you want your heart to remain healthy.
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We often suffer from excessive stress when we are anxious. This can be detrimental to our hearts in the long run. This is because our heartbeat becomes more when we become scared or anxious. It’ll be a good idea to relax and remove all your tension if you want to keep your heart in good shape.
Risks of heart attacks
High Blood Pressure
Individuals suffering from hypertension can suffer from cardiac arrests. This is because in this case, the blood will apply excessive pressure to the arteries within our system. As a result, it is possible for the arteries to burst in the long run.
High Cholesterol
High cholesterol can also be responsible for causing heart attacks. It implies that there are lots of fats present in the blood within our system. As a result, our hearts will find it difficult to receive an adequate supply of blood. This can result in heart attacks.
Individuals suffer from obesity when there is too much fat within their system. Too much obesity implies that the heart has to function harder. As a result, it is possible for the heart to become exhausted easily. Make sure to consume a healthy diet and perform regular workouts to get rid of this condition.
High levels of blood sugar can cause severe damage to the blood vessels, as well as the heart. As a result, it can result in heart attacks with the advent of time. It’ll be recommended to take appropriate medication, ingest a proper diet, and also perform workouts to control the levels of blood sugar.
How to prevent a heart attack
Healthy Eating
It is feasible to prevent heart attacks, by ingesting a proper diet. Make it a point to consume plenty of green vegetables and fruits, as well as whole grains. At the same time, make sure to refrain from eating processed and junk food items. A balanced diet will provide you with the required vitality that will keep your heart strong.
Regular Exercise
As already mentioned, it’ll be a sensible idea to perform workouts regularly if you want to maintain a healthy heart and prevent heart attacks. This is because regular workouts will make your heart strong. Make sure to perform workouts for at least 30 minutes every day to get the best results.
No Smoking
Here, we like to mention that passive smoking can also result in cardiac ailments. Therefore, do not smoke cigarettes and also do not inhale the smoke from other smokers. Your heart will find it difficult to function optimally when you’re smoking regularly.
Regular Check-ups
Lastly, we like to state that it is possible to prevent cardiac arrests by performing checkups regularly, even when you are not suffering from any illness. The physician will be the best person to inform you regarding the present condition of your heart and whether you require any medication or not.
We like to conclude this article by asserting that one should make changes to his present lifestyle to prevent the onset of cardiac arrest. For example, you should not smoke cigarettes and limit your intake of alcohol. Moreover, you should also control your blood sugar levels flawlessly. It is possible to suffer from heart attacks when not enough blood is available to the heart. Maintaining all these guidelines mentioned in this article on why heart attacks are increasing in India should provide you with peace of mind for sure.